Programa - 5th World Urologic Oncology Federation Conference

A Federação Mundial de Uro-Oncologia convida para sua "5th World Urologic Oncology Conference", a ser realizada nos dias 15 e 16 de outubro, 2011, em Berlin. Esta conferência precede o encontro da SIU: 31st Congress of the Société Internationale d´Urologie.

Steering Committee (comitê Diretor)

- Laurence Klotz (Canada), Chair
- Marcelo Bendhack (Brazil)
- Arturo Mendonza-Valdes (Mexico)
- Christopher Cheng (Singapore)
- Peter Alberts (Germany)
- Roger Kockelbergh (United Kingdom)


5th World Urologic Oncology Conference - dias 15 e 16 de Outubro, 2011, em Berlin.

Esta Conferência precede o encontro da SIU: 31st Congress of the Société Internationale d’Urologie.

Meeting Room Location
International Convention Centre-ICC Lounge, Berlin, Germany

Saturday October 15
8:00 Chairman’s Welcome and Introduction | Laurence Klotz, MD, Canada

8:15 SESSION ONE | Prostate Cancer Prevention | Moderator: Hideyuki Akaza, MD, Japan
8:20 5ARIs and Prostate Cancer Prevention Following the FDA Decision: Neil Fleshner, MD, Canada
8:35 Diet, Statins, Cholesterol: Hanjong Ahn, MD, South Korea
8:50 Curcumin and Other Micronutrients: Shigeo Horie, MD, Japan
9:05 D I S CUS S ION
9:20 Exercise in Prostate Cancer: Arturo Mendoza Valdes, MD, Mexico
9:35 Pre-clinical Models of Prostate Cancer Prevention: Hirotsugu Uemura, MD, Japan
9:50 D I S CUS S ION
10:00 BREAK

10:15 SESSION TWO | Town Hall Forum | Moderator: Laurence Klotz, MD, Canada
10:20 Screening in Men Over Age 65: Introduction (5 min) Laurence Klotz, MD, Canada
10:25 Overdiagnosis and How to Avoid This: (10 min) Monique Roobol, PhD, The Netherlands
10:35 An Epidemiologic Perspective: (10 min) Peter Albertsen, MD, USA
10:45 Pros and Cons of Screening Over Age 65: (10 min) Franz Recker, MD, Switzerland
11:05 Group Debate: Healthy Men: The Case for Continuing to Screen Over Age 65: (20 min)
Albertsen, Roobol, Recker, Evans

11:25 SESSION THREE | Update on Biomarkers | Moderator: Peter Albers, MD, Germany
11:30 PCA3: (10 min) Inge Van Oort, MD, The Netherlands
11:40 Seminal Fluid Markers: (10 min) Frank Gardiner, MD, Australia
11:50 Serum Biomarkers: (10 min) John Davis, MD, USA
12:00 DISCUSSION (15 min)
12:15 Angiogenesis and Lymphangiogenesis in Prostate Cancer: (10 min) Derya Tilki, MD, Germany
12:25 MRI as a Prostate Cancer Detection Tool. Where are We Right Now?: (10 min) Mark Emberton, MD, UK
12:45 40 MINUTE LUNCH BREAK | Lunch Available for Purchase

1:30 SESSION FOUR | Mechanisms of Castrate Resistance | Moderator: David Gillatt, MD, United Kingdon
1:35 Intermittent vs Continuous Androgen Deprivation Therapy-Biological Implications:
Laurence Klotz, MD, Canada
1:50 Autophagy and Prostate Cancer: Christopher Evans, MD, USA
2:05 Immune Escape and Prostate Cancer: Rob Siemens, MD, Canada
2:35 Timing of Hormonal Therapy in the Elderly: Urs Studer, MD, Switzerland
2:50 Adapting Treatment Strategies for CRPCa in the Elderly: Fred Saad, MD, Canada
3:05 Focal MR-Guided Thermotherapy: An Update: John Trachtenberg, MD, Canada
3:30 BREAK

3:45 SESSION FIVE | Kidney | Moderator: Marcelo Bendhack, MD, Brazil
3:50 Small Renal Masses: Indications for Intervention in Elderly Patients: Antonio Finelli, MD, Canada
4:05 Partial Nephrectomy in the Elderly: Thomas Schwaab, MD, USA
4:20 Role of Biopsy in Management of Renal Masses: Michael Jewett, MD, Canada
4:50 Incorporation TKIs into Surgical Management: Anil Kapoor, MD, Canada
5:05 Lessons Learned from the EORTC Partial vs Radical Nephrectomy Study: Hein van Poppel, MD, Belgium

Sunday October 16

8:00 SESSION SIX | Bladder Cancer Biology | Moderator: Michael Droller, MD, USA
8:05 Update on New Diagnostic Methods: Fred Witjes, MD, The Netherlands
8:20 Management of Non-muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer in China: Ningchen Li, MD, China
8:35 Tissue Markers: Peter Black, MD, Canada
9:05 Deterioration of Physiologic Competence and Reserve with Aging - Considerations for Treatment
Decisions in Bladder Cancer: Michael Droller, MD, USA
9:20 Use of Nomograms in Bladder Cancer: Shahrokh Shariat, MD, USA
9:50 BREAK

10:05 SESSION SEVEN | Surgical Management of Invasive Bladder Cancer
| Moderator: Urs Studer, MD, Switzerland
10:10 Role of Extended Node Dissection: Wassim Kassouf, MD, Canada
10:25 Quality of Care in the Management of Bladder Cancer: Badrinath Konety, MD, USA
10:40 Management of Invasive Bladder Cancer in the Elderly: TBA
10:55 Orthotopic Bladder in Elderly Patients: Limits and Results: Richard Hautmann, MD, Germany

11:25 SESSION EIGHT | Moderator: Christopher Cheng, MD, Singapore
11:30 Upper Tract TCC - Role of Neoadjuvant Therapy: Surena Matin, MD, USA
11:45 Neo Adjuvant vs Adjuvant Chemotherapy - Which is Preferable?: Peter Albers, MD, Germany
12:15 WRAP UP AND AD JOURN | Laurence Klotz, MD, Canada

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